
Posts Tagged ‘starting over’

Starting Over

March 11. That was the date of my last post.  It is so long ago, eight months, that this feels like starting over.  In some way it seems like a lot has happened in the past eight months, and in another way it seems like not much has changed at all.

One of the highlights was spending three weeks in Italy with Sister Mary searching for the rumoured fields of poppies,


and finally finding them.


Then when I returned home I discovered my own field of poppies.


Okay, maybe not exactly a field, but definitely a beautiful bed.

Seems kind of appropriate to be talking about poppies on the day before Remembrance Day.

I have recently started over in another area of my life.  A week ago I tied on my running shoes and headed out the door for a run.  Let’s be honest here, calling it a run might be stretching the truth, a plod might be a better word.  What I call it doesn’t really matter, what is important is that I did it, and am continuing to do it.

I first started running 30 years ago.  I was never very fast, and often didn’t go very far (although I was ambitious enough one year to finish a half-marathon).

Half Marathon

What I enjoyed about running was the synchronized rhythm of my breath and my footsteps, feeling like I couldn’t take one more step, and then taking it, and the final reward…a hot shower to wash all the sweat and effort away.

The thing with starting over is that you have to have stopped something.  I stopped posting on my blog, and I stopped running.  The longer you stay away from something the harder it is to get going again.  You have to remember why you did it in the first place, how good it made you feel.  Then you have to stop making excuses for not doing it again.

I felt like I didn’t have anything new to say on my blog.  Same old, same old.  Cows are having calves, sheep are not having lambs (and getting fat), garden is doing well, or not. Still going on daily walks with the dogs, still enjoying life on the farm.  The thing is, I enjoyed sharing these things, I enjoyed taking pictures and writing the stories.  I’ve missed it, so I am starting over.

I stopped running eight years ago when I moved to the farm. I always found reasons not to run.  The road was too muddy or icy or it was too cold or too hot.  I should loose ten pounds first, I should get new shoes.  I might hurt my knees or my feet, I am too old, and the worst thing of all…someone might see me!  Who cares about all that, I enjoy running and right now, for now,  I can still do it.  So I am starting over.

Is there something you have stopped doing?  Something you used to really enjoy, and don’t have a valid excuse for not doing anymore?

Maybe there’s something you could start over too?


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